- Author: Anon
- Published Date: 28 Jul 2011
- Publisher: Read Books
- Original Languages: English
- Book Format: Paperback::638 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 1446079007
- ISBN13: 9781446079003
- File name: Travels-In-Nubia;--The-Late-John-Lewis-Burckhardt.pdf
- Dimension: 140x 216x 35mm::800g
Book Details:
10 Jul Travels of M. Burckhardt in Egypt and Nubia. John Letters, some [Thomas Legh; John Lewis Burckhardt;]. Excerpt from Travels of M. Burckhardt, in Egypt and Nubia The late Mr. Burckhardt He was him: self "Travels in Nubia the late John Lewis Burckhardt - publ. the Association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa [Edition Memoir on the Life and Travels of John Lewis Buhckhabdt Page. 1. Description of a Journey Travels in Nubia: the Late John Lewis Burckhardt John Lewis Travels in Nubia: the late John Lewis Burckhardt. John Lewis Burckhardt. About this book My library Books on Google Play Terms of Service Travels in Nubia rare book for sale. This John Lewis BURCKHARDT is available at Bauman Rare Books. London: John Murray, 1822. His suspicions were proved correct when Belzoni cleared and entered this temple four years later. Read Travels in Nubia: the Late John Lewis Burckhardt, Volume 1 book reviews & author details and more at Free delivery on qualified orders. Ril. 1/2 pelle angolari in pelle titoli in oro. Quarto (cm. 22,5 28) pp. 543 tre carte (due ripiegate) e piccoli disegni n.t. Uno dei famosi diari di viaggio del grande esploratore del mondo arabo, scopritore di Petra e uno dei primi descrittori dei monumenti egiziani che avrebbero di lì a poco appassionato l Occidente. Köp boken Travels In Nubia; The Late John Lewis Burckhardt av Anon. (ISBN 9781446079003) hos Adlibris. Fri frakt. Alltid bra priser och snabb leverans. 'Travels in Nubia', the Late John Lewis Burckhardt, second edition, London: John Murray, 1822. Illustrated with engraved maps. Published The Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa. Quarto, leather binding rebacked incorporating Travels In Nubia; The Late John Lewis Burckhardt Anon, 9781446079003, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. TRAVELS IN SYRIA AND THE HOLY LAND; THE LATE JOHN LEWIS BURCKHARDT. PUBLISHED THE ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING THE DISCOVERY OF THE INTERIOR PARTS OF AFRICA. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, 1822 PREFACE OF THE EDITOR. [p.i] IT is hoped that little apology is necessary for the publication of a volume of Travels in Travels in Arabia, Comprehending an Account of Those Territories in Hedjaz which the Mohammedans Regard as Sacred. the Late John Lewis Burckhardt. Burckhardt, John Lewis. Travels in Nubia. London: John Murray, 1819. First edition, 4to, [vi], xcii, 543, [ii, advertisements], engraved portrait frontispiece, 3 maps Burckhardt, John Lewis used in: Travels in Syria and the Holy Land / the late John Lewis Burckhardt, 1822. Burckhardt, John L.: Travels in Arabia. - 1968. Travels in Nubia:Travels in Nubia - John Lewis Burckhardt The United States and the End of the Cold War:Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations. Lewis. Burckhar dt PDF. Download. John Lewis. Burckhardt's. Travels And. Explorations In. Nubia. Buy Travels in Nubia;. the Late John Lewis. Burckhardt at. travels in nubia the late john lewis burckhardt item preview book digitized google from the library of oxford university and uploaded to the I- ~ - Travels in Nubia, the late John Lewis Burckhardt. Published the Association for promoting the Discovery of the interior Parts of Africa. 1819. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land John Burckhardt Travels in Syria and the Holy Land John Burckhardt Produced William Thierens and Ann Westfall TRAVELS IN SYRIA AND THE HOLY LAND; THE LATE JOHN LEWIS BURCKHARDT. PUBLISHED THE ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING THE DISCOVERY OF THE INTERIOR PARTS OF AFRICA. Nubia, Arabia, and Mount Travels in Nubia: the Late John Lewis Burckhardt J. Murray, 1819 - Nubia - 543 pages Journey along the Banks of the Nile from Assouan to Mahass. 1. Johann Ludwig Burckhardt (24 November 1784 15 October 1817) was a Swiss traveller, geographer and orientalist. He wrote his letters in French and signed Louis. He later made an additional trip to Nubia travelling as far as Shendi near the Pyramids of Meroë. From here he (1911). "Burckhardt, John Lewis". JOHN LEWIS BURCKHARDT. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, 1822 of these will consist of his travels in Arabia, which were confined to the Hedjaz, or Holy. This book, "Travels in Nubia; the late John Lewis Burckhardt", Burckhardt, John Lewis, 1784-1817,Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Notes on the Bedouins and Wahas Collected During his Travels in the East, the Late John Lewis Burckhardt. Edited Sir William Ouseley. Publication details: London: Henry Coburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1830. Published Authority of the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior of Africa. OZON предлагает выгодные цены и отличный сервис. Travels in Nubia; the late John Lewis Burckhardt - характеристики, фото и отзывы покупателей. Travels in Nubia;. Thumbnails the late John Lewis Burckhardt. Signature:a-m n², B-3X 3Y-3Z². "Life and travels of John Lewis Burckhardt": p. [iii]-xcii.
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