- Author: Robert J. Myles
- Date: 08 Sep 2012
- Publisher: GORGIAS PR LLC
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Paperback::23 pages
- ISBN10: 1463201230
- File size: 21 Mb
- Download Link: Dandy Discipleship A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples
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The synoptics contrast Jesus abandonment the male disciples with the faithful strength of the women disciples who, led Mary, accompany him to his death. John s gospel names Mary of Magdala as the first to discover the empty tomb and shows the Risen Christ sending her to announce the Good News of his resurrection to the other disciples. Myles, R.J. & Kok, M. On the Implausibility of Identifying the Disciple in John 18:15 16 Myles, R.J. Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples, Most importantly, we are able to see how our desires, needs and choices, though so drastically different, serve us, help make us whole and put us in the best position to be the partners, friends, individuals and disciples that we seek to be. I would like to see more conversations like these happen in Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples. Front Cover. Robert J. Myles. Gorgias PressLlc QR code for Dandy Discipleship [7] Christian moral discipleship is grounded in the witness of Jesus. When Matthew's Jesus was asked a Pharisee what was the greatest commandment of all (Matt. 22:36, paralleled in Mark 12:28-34 where the same question is asked a scribe), he replied, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with The article, called 'Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples' comes from the Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality. Myles starts out pointing out that we never come to the Bible blind: we always bring with us all the baggage of our expectations, beliefs, culture etc. And then there is the radical service of Jesus at table that evening washing the feet of his male and female disciples. This was the service of only household slaves or women. No free male would do such a washing service because it demeaned his masculinity and patriarchal authority. make the blindness of men serve their own interests. Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples Robert J. Myles, School of Theology, The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature takes place November 23 26 in sunny San Diego, California. To help prepare for the event, I have compiled all of the presentations focusing on Christian Apocrypha, this time with abstracts (since they tend to vanish from the SBL site soon after the conclusion of the meeting). "Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples" New Zealand theologian Robert J. Myles was published recently in a scholarly journal. He challenges the assumption of heterosexuality in the Bible and tries to liberate the scriptures from sex-negative misinterpretations. In T.J. Horns and K. Stone (eds), Bible Trouble: Queer Reading at the Boundaries of Biblical 'Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples'. looking at Mark's portrayal of male disciples and the contrast he draws demonstrate all the key hallmarks of discipleship as defined Jesus in Mark's. God delights in queering how the disciples always imagined God s body and as Casper s mountain story tells us, God delights in revealing how we always imagined our own. Now we know that the disciples went down from that Transfiguration mountain and kept silent. And in those days told no one any of the things they had seen. Jesus may be restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples when he cites Genesis during a discussion of marriage (Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9). The presumed references to 'homosexuality' itself in the New Testament hinge on the interpretation of three specific Greek words, arsenokoitēs ( ), malakos ( John wrote this gospel, as inspired God, after the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke already had been written, and assumes the readers' familiarity with. As usual, nobody knows who wrote it, contrary to rumour, it was not Doubting Thomas. In the Gospels of Mark, Matthew and. 'Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples', JMMS 4:2 (2010) more Robert Myles While conventional readings of the Bible unambiguously presume the normativity of heterosexuality and binary categories of gender, this article challenges such modern assumptions purposefully and strategically re-reading three Markan JMMS 4.2 (June 2010) Editorial: Stephen C. Finley, "Editorial: African Americans and Mormonism as a Case for the Consideration of Race, Class, Sexuality, and Gender in the Study of Religion" (pp. 51-53) Articles: Roie Thomas, "Inspire, Expire: Masculinity, Mortality and Meaning in Tim Winton's Breath" (pp. 54-65) Robert J. Myles, "Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples" (pp 'On the Implausibility of Identifying the Disciple in John 18:15 16 as a 'Dandy Discipleship: A Queering of Mark's Male Disciples', JMMS 4:2 (2010)more. Abstract: While conventional readings of the Bible unambiguously presume the normativity of heterosexuality and binary categories of gender, this article Particular attention is also given to the ways in which the gender and sexuality of the male disciples has been constructed and can be problematized in both the Review of Erik Sidenvall, The Making of Manhood Among Swedish Missionaries in China and Mongolia, c.1890 c.1914 (Leiden: Brill, 2009) 189 pp. And Yvonne Maria Werner (ed.), Christian Masculinity: Men and Religion in Northern Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries The real kicker is the statement that God is neither male or female. This is the basis for Queering God as they proudly proclaim. And this is the new, modernized church coming your way? Or is it already here? Pastors, this cannot be allowed to happen.
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